Mundo Real was founded, in 2007, with the purposes of fostering sustainable community development, and empowering local residents and grassroots organizations

  • A Critical Look at Cable Cars from Experts and Allies, with Rocinha’s PAC Planning Process in the Spotlight

    A Critical Look at Cable Cars from Experts and Allies, with Rocinha’s PAC Planning Process in the Spotlight

    This article was written in collaboration with Rocinha sem Fronteiras, S.O.S., Rocinha Saneamento, Salve a Rocinha and Mundo Real by journalist Catherine Osborn Over a hundred citizens gathered at the Clube de Engenharia on Friday afternoon for a discussion forum about cable cars and urban mobility, especially in the context…

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  • Moradores da Rocinha se unem contra a teleférico

    Moradores da Rocinha se unem contra a teleférico

    Saneamento, coleta de lixo, educação e saúde são itens considerados básicos para a sobrevivência em qualquer lugar. Na Rocinha, porém, segundo alguns moradores, eles estão sendo preteridos por algo que não deveria ser prioridade: o teleférico. O arquiteto Luiz Carlos Toledo, responsável pelo Plano Diretor da Rocinha, aprovado em…

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  • Rocinha quer saneamento e não teleférico

    Rocinha quer saneamento e não teleférico

    – Rogério Daflon do Canal Ibase Movimentos sociais da Favela da Rocinha estão discutindo a instalação de um teleférico na comunidade, como já anunciado pelo governo do Estado do Rio de Janeiro. Rocinha sem Fronteiras, Rocinha SOS Saneamento e o Fórum Cultural da comunidade vêm protestando contra o equipamento, já…

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  • O teleférico está chegando a Rocinha, um benefício ou prejuízo?

    O teleférico está chegando a Rocinha, um benefício ou prejuízo?

    Esta reportagem é baseada na observação participante (principalmente na Rocinha), entrevistas gravadas e autorizadas, revisões da literatura, etc … não divulgamos nomes ou outras detalhes comprometedoras. Bem, é oficial, o teleférico em breve está chegando a Rocinha, ou pelo menos as obras vão começar em breve. Na verdade, tem…

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  • The teleférico (air tramway) is coming to Rocinha, a benefit or burden?

    The teleférico (air tramway) is coming to Rocinha, a benefit or burden?

    This piece is based on participant observation (mainly in Rocinha), authorized recorded interviews, literature reviews, etc.… No names or compromising details will be disclosed. Well, it is official, the teleférico (air tramway) is coming to Rocinha very soon, at least the work will begin soon. Actually it has been…

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  • Urbanização Responsável com 100% Saneamento e Cidadania

    Urbanização Responsável com 100% Saneamento e Cidadania

    A Rocinha desde sua existência enfrenta problemas como queda de encostas, enchentes na parte baixa, e por conseqüência bairros vizinhos sofrem com a falta de canalização correta do esgoto e drenagem pluvial decorrente do abandono pelo poder público, que até início dos anos oitenta consentia apenas a entrada da…

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  • The Real World – O Mundo Real

    Mundo Real is currently facing increased demands and challenges of the real world – work, school, family, and simply life itself, has made it impossible for us to continue to update our website. We are still active in Rocinha and elsewhere, but we do not have time to maintain…

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  • Corruption and the paradox of the UPP in Rocinha and Rio de Janeiro

    Corruption and the paradox of the UPP in Rocinha and Rio de Janeiro

    On Monday, March 26, 2012 the president of one of Rocinha’s three residents associations (AMABB) was shot and killed. Vanderlan Barros de Oliveira, known as Feijão, walked a short distance out of the association’s headquarters when he was shot at five times in broad day light by a man…

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  • City of Rio spends millions to save homes of wealthy while removing poor communities in other parts of city

    City of Rio spends millions to save homes of wealthy while removing poor communities in other parts of city

    The city of Rio de Janeiro spends R$ 377 million (215 million USD) in order for resident’s of a wealthy area of Ipanema to remain where they live while a major infrastructure project is completed around, and under them. At the same time, and hypocritically, the City is removing…

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  • Favela Pacified – BBC podcast

    Favela Pacified – BBC podcast

    There’s an ambitious government programme underway in one of Rio de Janeiro’s biggest slums, or favelas. The aim is to clear Rocinha – home to over 100,000 people – of the drugs gangs that have dominated there for decades. The strategy, known as ‘pacification’, begins with a raid by…

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