Mundo Real was founded, in 2007, with the purposes of fostering sustainable community development, and empowering local residents and grassroots organizations

  • Mega Events: Rio Communities suffer through the process of urban dispossession

    Mega Events: Rio Communities suffer through the process of urban dispossession

    The rapporteur of the National Right to the City, Platform DHESCA, Orlando Jr., professor at the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, spoke during a hearing at the Regional Attorney for Citizens’ Rights, on June 21, 2011 about the findings of DHESCA’s official report on Rio de Janeiro leading…

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  • Threatened Community Speaks

    The following videos include members from forcibly removed communities, or have been affected by the continual changes to their communities as a result of the infrastructural developments as a result of the 2014 World Cup and 2016 Olympic Games. Background: The Human Rights organizations “Witness,” which followed and fined…

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  • Let’s Raise at least $300 for the Rocinha Day of Culture!

    Let’s Raise at least $300 for the Rocinha Day of Culture!

    Mundo Real aims to raise at least $300 for the Rocinha Cultural Forum to host the ROCINHA DAY OF CULTURE The Rocinha Cultural Forum was founded in July 2007, as part of the ROCINHA CULTURAL PLAN, whose main objective is the cultural development of the community. With regular weekly…

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  • Vigilantes take over Rio shanty towns

    Vigilantes take over Rio shanty towns

    The sprawling favelas of Rio de Janeiro are home to more than a million of Brazil’s poorest citizens. Many of these shanty towns are controlled by drug gangs, and there are regular and violent confrontations with the police. But a growing number of these neighbourhoods are being taken over…

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  • City Councilman visits Rocinha to Register Complaints with PAC I

    City Councilman visits Rocinha to Register Complaints with PAC I

    Reimont Luiz Otoni Santa Bárbara, aka Vereador Reimont visited Rocinha on 5/28/2011 to register complaints about the progress of the government development project PAC. The first stage, known as PAC I, has seen many of its projects come to a hault, remain incomplete, or suffer from various infrastructure problems. Residents and local…

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  • Minha Casa, Minha Vida Troubled By Corruption

    Minha Casa, Minha Vida Troubled By Corruption

    Though the state sponsored Minha Casa, Minha Vida housing program has seen success in other Brazilian states, the program has had its shares of issues in Rio de Janeiro. Though rumors have hampered the program, details into the types of corruption have been limited. However, Brazilian newspaper “O Globo”…

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  • Laboriaux Residents Present Report to DHESCA

    Laboriaux Residents Present Report to DHESCA

    The community of Laboriaux, at the very highest section of Rocinha, has been one of the many communities found in the cross hairs of the city wide removals. Though Laboriaux has found itself in this precarious situation residents have seemingly left the process to handle itself. The city has…

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  • Investigatory Mission Comes To Rio

    Investigatory Mission Comes To Rio

    The highly anticipated Investigatory Mission, made up of local and international representatives, made its way through local communities affected by the forced removals occurring in Rio de Janeiro. Raquel Rolnik, Rapporteur for the United Nations, was the headliner at this series of events, which focused on trying to quantify…

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  • PAC Meeting Pushes For Action

    PAC Meeting Pushes For Action

    The PAC (Programa de Aceleração do Crescimento) program was one of the most highly awaited programs in Rio de Janeiro, and Brazil. Many saw the program as a step towards real community development. But since the last electoral cycle the PAC program has almost completely lost traction leaving local…

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  • Rio City Government In Brazil Offers IT Courses for Disadvantaged Residents

    Rio City Government In Brazil Offers IT Courses for Disadvantaged Residents

    The FINANCIAL — Department of Science and Technology Sets Up Cisco Networking Academy Classes in Rio’s Poor Communities; Favela da Rocinha Will Be First to Offer Certifications The Rio city government, through the Department of Science and Technology, has launched an unique IT training program in the city’s most…

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