Though the state sponsored Minha Casa, Minha Vida housing program has seen success in other Brazilian states, the program has had its shares of issues in Rio de Janeiro. Though rumors have hampered the program, details into the types of corruption have been limited. However, Brazilian newspaper “O Globo” has published a scathing article revealing some of the details, and how the notorious militia groups have started to take over the program. The article reveals the militia groups tied to former PM Ricardo Texeira were charging taxes to upwards of 10,000 residents in MC/MV housing units in the areas of Campo Grande, Cosmos and Realengo. Squatters say they pay upwards of $7,000 Reals to militia groups to live in the units, but have warned that if they are asked to leave they will burn the units to the ground.
Read Article Here (Portuguese)
VÍDEO: Desabrigada denuncia venda de imóveis do ‘Minha Casa, Minha Vida’
Leia mais sobre esse assunto em http://oglobo.globo.com/rio/mat/2011/05/25/milicianos-tomaram-imoveis-do-minha-casa-minha-vida-passaram-vende-los-por-ate-40-mil-924540462.asp#ixzz1NqLTylGd
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