The PAC (Programa de Aceleração do Crescimento) program was one of the most highly awaited programs in Rio de Janeiro, and Brazil. Many saw the program as a step towards real community development. But since the last electoral cycle the PAC program has almost completely lost traction leaving local communities in its shadows. On Saturday, 21 May local leaders of Rocinha met with State Deputy Robson Leite (PT) to discuss the problems with the PAC, and what option community residents have in order to get the program back on track. The meeting was held at the Catholic Church’s administrative offices in Rocinha.
It was revealed during the meeting that the PAC in Rio de Janeiro has only completed 65% of its proposed work, while going 35% over its initial budget. The PAC is now asking for more money, which could potentially still not be used to get proposed projects completed. Defending the program Leite commented that the PAC program has worked in other Brazilian cities, and its failure in Rio is due to inefficiencies at the local and state level. He added that the Federal government is not responsible for the enforcement of social programs. Leite suggested that if these problems continue that community residents organize and file a formal complaint. Adding, that if the issues continue, residents must protest to local officials.
Prédios na Rocinha têm rachaduras e problemas com falta d’ água após cinco meses de inauguração
Leia mais sobre esse assunto em http://oglobo.globo.com/pais/mat/2011/05/07/predios-na-rocinha-tem-rachaduras-problemas-com-falta-agua-apos-cinco-meses-de-inauguracao-924410434.asp#ixzz1NSOHxnjG
Buildings constructed by the PAC program are facing many problems:
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