Mundo Real was founded, in 2007, with the purposes of fostering sustainable community development, and empowering local residents and grassroots organizations

  • Rocinha residents are leaving after rent increases by 30% after police occupation

    Rocinha residents are leaving after rent increases by 30% after police occupation

    After the police occupation in November of 2011, rent has increased by 30% The occupation of Rocinha by security forces has put the community in focus. Conveniently located in the south zone of Rio de Janeiro, close to the beach and overlooking the ocean, peace should be cause for celebration for…

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  • Decree signed by Rio’s Mayor on Forced Eviction Procedures

    Decree signed by Rio’s Mayor on Forced Eviction Procedures

    On February 7th eleven residents of Laboriaux participated in an important meeting/reading with Dr. Francisco Horta Filho to study the Municipal DECREE (DECRETO) N°34522, published on the 3rd of OCTOBER of 2011. Francisco Horta Filho is the new coordenador of the Núcleo de Terras e Habitação (Nuth), or the Nucleus for Land and Housing, of the…

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  • CNN Backstories – Comparing the Good and the Bad: Living in the Favela Rocinha

    CNN Backstories – Comparing the Good and the Bad: Living in the Favela Rocinha

    For their participation in these reports, Paul Sneed and the Back|Story team would like to thank religious leader Pai Almir who lives in the favela Rocinha. Also a big thank you to Viviana Rodrigues who is a teacher in Rocinha and co-founder of A big thank you, as…

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  • Well known Community Leader/Politician in Rocinha Arrested

    On Friday December 2, 2011 a pivotal event occurred in Rocinha — a well known ‘community leader/politician’ was arrested for associating with drug traffickers. Anyone who watches the news in Brazil and especially Rio de Janeiro knows who we are referring to. The point of this posting is not…

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  • Bento Rubião Foundation to design and implement Municipal Housing Plan

    Bento Rubião Foundation to design and implement Municipal Housing Plan

    From November 28th to the 30th there was a series of presentations and meetings held at headquarters of CREA-RJ in the center of Rio de Janeiro. The three day event was organized by The City of Rio de Janeiro, the Secretary for Housing of Rio de Janeiro and the NGO Fundação…

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  • Rocinha sem Fronteiras

    Rocinha sem Fronteiras

    On Saturday the 26th of November the community-based organization, Rocinha sem Fronteiras (Rocinha without Borders) held their monthly meeting which always fall on the third Saturday of every month. There were roughly 20 people present. The theme of the gathering was Rocinha’s PEU or Projeto de Estruturação Urbana (Urban Structuring…

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  • Rocinha meets with surrounding communities to discuss development

    Rocinha meets with surrounding communities to discuss development

    – Rocinha – On Saturday November 26th there was a conference hosted by the Community Board of Rocinha, São Conrado and Gávea. The event was held at the Ayrton Senna public school, located on the São Conrado side of the new pedestrian bridge at the foot of Rocinha. The Community…

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  • O teleférico e a tal da vontade política – LUIZ CARLOS TOLEDO

    O teleférico e a tal da vontade política – LUIZ CARLOS TOLEDO Só mesmo a vontade política, descolada da realidade das nossas favelas, poderia impor a construção de teleférico na Rocinha, como vem sendo dito Em minha longa carreira de arquiteto, tive o desprazer de deparar, vez por outra, com a tal da “vontade política”, barreira difícil que, cedo ou…

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  • Rio de Janeiro’s Olympic challenge

    Rio de Janeiro’s Olympic challenge

    Great article from the Guardian by Ignacio Cano – a senior lecturer in research methodology at the department of social sciences of the State University of Rio de Janeiro. Worth the read – which is why we posted this article.  The real test for Rio is not whether it can make…

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  • City reinitiating its drive to evict Laboriaux’s residents in Rocinha

    City reinitiating its drive to evict Laboriaux’s residents in Rocinha

    On Sunday November 20th one of Brazil’s largest media corporations, Rede Record, was in Laboriaux filming for their hugely popular TV show Balanço Geral. They followed one of Laboriaux’s best known residents, Carlão, as he describe what the issues and what the major problems are. Balanço Geral came to…

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